Friday, October 5, 2012

So Basically...

     I haven't posted in quite some time.  I guess you could say college life is keeping me busy, but truth, I'm just terrible at this whole "blogging" situation.  Here's what has happened since I last posted.  I have enjoyed my time at Utah State, but as time has passed, I've realized that this really isn't the place I want to go.  I don't know if it's the fact that people openly smoke all over campus or that I haven't gained any good friends yet and it's already been a month and a half.  So, last Friday, I decided that I should apply to BYU, the enemy to anything Aggie.  A month ago, I would never have considered going to "temple tech", but now I'm beginning to see what a wonderful place it is.  I'm down there almost every weekend anyway and I would absolutely love being a full time student as a cougar!  Currently, I'm waiting to see whether or not I'll be accepted, so cross your fingers!  

 This is just an old picture from the summer.  I like it though.


 No big deal, just chilling on the Y.

 I miss this kid more than I can even express.


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