Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

     This has been one of the greatest weekends for so many reasons.  I started out the weekend with an institute party that was a blast!  Then my parents drove up with Devin to go to Bear Lake until Saturday night.  I loved it!  Bear Lake is my favorite place on earth and I was so excited to spend it with him and my favorite cousin Savannah!  Unfortunately, the weather was super stormy at the Lake and I didn't get any wakeboarding in, but the trip was still fun!  After leaving the Lake, Devin and I went to my apartment for a little bit before driving back down to Layton to meet up with the rest of our friends.  I always forget how much I miss them.  Then Sunday rolled around and I realized Devin once again had to go back down to BYU.  Lame!  It's like I'm waking up from an amazing dream every weekend.  
     But on Sunday night, I drove back up to Logan to go to Bear Lake again on Monday.  This time the weather was beautiful and we had such a good time!  We piled ten college students into a mini van and although it was tight, none of us seemed to mind.  The Lake was a blast!  I went wakeboarding with my parents and then learned how to Jet Ski with Travis and Keeton.  It was so much fun!  I wish it all didn't have to end, even though I am so sore!


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